Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL)

Date:2023-02-17 Author:

Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL)

Master Program Bilingual (Chinese & English)

About the Program

The master Program of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages TCSOLaims to cultivate the high-level, applicability and versatile talents who can adapt to the Chinese language international promotion task and are competent to use Chinese language as a second language or for foreign language teaching purpose. Recipient of MTCSOL degree should have solid cultural background of Chinese language which can be used as a second language or as a skill for foreign language teaching, a higher level of foreign language understanding and intercultural communicative capability.

The program has a well-structured and high-quality academic staff team possessing remarkable teaching and research potentials. There are 11 professors and 11associate professors, 100% of whom PhD degree. 95% of the faculties of this major has overseas background. There are also some visiting scholars from US, France and Japan who are intensively involved in Teaching Chinese related courses.

Main courses

Advanced Chinese, Ancient Chinese, Modern Chinese, Chinese Language Elements Teaching, Application of Modern Educational Technology, Second Language Acquisition, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Case Analysis and Practice of Classroom Teaching, Chinese Culture and Intercultural Communication, Traditional Chinese Cultural Skills and the Presentation, Psychological Studies of Foreign Language Education, etc.



18 Xueyuan Street, Xiasha Higher

Educ a tion Zone , Hangzhou Cit y, Zhejiang Province


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