Linguistics & Applied Linguistics

Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

Date:2023-02-17 Author:

Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Master Program (English)

About the program

The program in this direction is designed to train postgraduates who can adapt to the needs of scientific progress and social development, with a comprehensive knowledge of the frontier theories about contemporary linguistics and language teaching, a good grasp of relevant research methods, a rigorous attitude towards study and the ability to conduct scientific researches independently.

The program focuses on the application and development of advanced theories and methods in the study of semantics, syntax, pragmatics, and cognitive linguistics. Students can choose from the four research fields, i.e. Theoretical Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, and Discourse Analysis.

School of Foreign Languages has 12 professors and 33 associate professors. Among our faculty members, there are 35 Ph.D., and 35 Master Candidate Supervisors. In the past five years, nearly 500 academic papers have been published, a considerable number of which have been published in Applied Linguistics, Journal of Pragmatics, Lingua, System, Language Sciences, Meta, Foreign Language Education & Research, Foreign Literature Review, Zhongguo Yuwen (Studies of the Chinese Language), Chinese Translators Journal, Foreign Literature Studies, Journal of Foreign Languages, Modern Foreign Languages, Contemporary Linguistics and other top academic journals at home and abroad. In the meanwhile, our research is enhanced by more than 100 research projects at various levels. In addition, more than 20 academic books (or translated books) have been published.

Main Courses

Methodology of Linguistic Research, Selected Readings of Western Linguistics, English Pragmatics, Syntax, Corpus Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, Semantics, Language Comparison and Translation, Second Language Acquisition Theory, Theory and Practice of Foreign Language Teaching, History of the English Language, Discourse Analysis.



18 Xueyuan Street, Xiasha Higher

Educ a tion Zone , Hangzhou Cit y, Zhejiang Province


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