Electronic Commerce (Cross-border E-commerce)

Electronic Commerce

Date:2023-02-17 Author:

Electronic Commerce  Bachelor Program (English)

About the Program

This major is based on the new characteristic undergraduate program of electronic commerce in Zhejiang Province, and on the university’s distinctive disciplines, such as economics, management and computer science. It aims to cultivate students who have global vision, comprehensive understanding of Chinese culture, theory of electronic commerce theory and application of information technology. It also aims to cultivate practical and inter-disciplinary talents who master practical skills of business analytics, e-commerce operation and specialize in cross-border e-commerce.

The faculty of this major includes 6 professors, 8 associate professors and 12 lecturers, 90% of whom has got PhD degree. Half of faculty have overseas background.

Main courses

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Management, Fundamental of Electronic Commerce, Business Data Analysis Practice, Internet Marketing, Operation of E-commerce, Practice of Cross-border E-commerce, Security of E-commerce.




18 Xueyuan Street, Xiasha Higher

Educ a tion Zone , Hangzhou Cit y, Zhejiang Province


School of International Education and Studies Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics Official WeChat Account