Business Administration

Business Administration

Date:2023-02-17 Author:

Business Administration   Bachelor Program (English)

About the Program

The program of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) aims to cultivate students who have global vision, abilities of cross-culture communication and professional qualities of management such as leadership, marketing and business analysis. Students have broad access to visiting high quality enterprise and internships. The major of Business Administration ranks top 5% in china.

The program has a well-structured and high-quality academic staff team possessing remarkable teaching and research potentials. There are 8 professors and 20 associate professors, 80% of whom PhD degree. 50% of the faculties of this major has overseas background.

Main courses

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Management, Marketing, Accounting, Organizational behavior, Entrepreneurial Management, Strategic management, Corporate Governance, Human Resource Management, Operations Management, International Business, Business Statistics.




18 Xueyuan Street, Xiasha Higher

Educ a tion Zone , Hangzhou Cit y, Zhejiang Province


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